Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quest Guide For Dummies

Posted by Shadowbane

The quests

As I wrote in a previous topic, there are quests that you should complete, in order to learn more about Travian and to get rewards (resources, gold, Travian Plus activated). Click on the Questmaster (on the right side of the screen) and he will tell you what you must do.

Here are the 22 quests and the rewards you will get:

Quest 1: Woodcutter
„Around your village there are four green forests. Construct a Woodcutter on one of them. Lumber is an important resource for our new settlement.”

Order: Extend one Woodcutter.

Reward: Woodcutter is completed automaticaly.

Quest 2: Crop

„Now your subjects are hungry from working all day. Extend a Cropland to improve your subjects' supply. Come back here once the building is complete.”

Order: Extend one Cropland.

Reward: Travian Plus for one day.

Quest 3: Your village's name

„Creative as you are you can grant your village the ultimate name.

Click on 'Profile' in the left hand menu and then select 'Change profile'...”

Order: Change your village's name to something nice.

Reward: 30 wood, 60 clay, 30 iron and 20 crop.

Quest 4: Other players

„In Travian you play along with billions of other players. Click 'Statistics' in the top menu to look up your rank and enter it here.”

Order: Look for your rank in the statistics and enter it here.

Reward: 40 wood, 30 clay, 20 iron and 30 crop.

Quest 5: Two Building Orders

„Build a Iron Mine and a Clay Pit. Of Iron and Clay one can never have enough,

Thanks to the Plus-Account I gave to you a short while ago, you can give both orders right away.”

* Extend one Iron Mine
* Extend one Clay Pit

Reward: 50 wood, 60 clay, 30 iron, 30 crop.

Quest 6: Messages

„You can talk to other players using the messaging system. I sent a message to you. Read it and come back here.

P.S. Don't forget: on the left the reports, on the right the messages.”

Order: Read your new message.

Reward: 20 gold

Quest 7: Neighbors

„Around you there are many different villages. One of it is named xxx.

Click 'Map' in the head menu and look for that village. The name of your neighbors' villages can be seen once you hover your mouse over any of them.”

Order: Look for the coordinates of xxx and enter them here.

Reward: 60 wood, 30 clay, 40 iron, 90 crop.

PS: Many players complain about the fact that the Questmaster doesn't recognize the coordinates. That can happen if two of your neighbors have villages with the same name (like "01"). So search for some other village near you, that has that name.

Quest 8: Huge Army

„Now I've got a very special quest for you. I am hungry. Give me 200 Crop!

In return I will try to organize a huge army to protect your village.”

Order: Send 200 Crop to the Questmaster.

Reward: Huge army (a rat - will arrive in 12 hours, 4 if you are playing on a speed server).

Quest 9: One each!

„In Travian there is always something to do! While you are waiting for your new army, extend one additional Woodcutter, Clay Pit, Iron Mine and Cropland to level 1.”

Order: Extend one more resource tile each to level 1.

Reward: 100 wood, 80 clay, 40 iron, 40 crop.

Quest 10: Coming Soon!

„Now there is time for a small break until the gigantic army I sent you arrives.

Until then you can explore the map or extend a few resource tiles.”

Order: Wait for the Questmaster's army to arrive.

Reward: Travian Plus for two more days.

Quest 11: Reports

„Every time something important happens to your account you will receive a report. You can see these by clicking on the left half of the 5th button (from left to right). Read the report and come back here.”

Order: Read your latest report.

Reward: 75 wood, 140 clay, 40 iron, 40 crop.

Quest 12: Everything to 1!

„Now we should increase your resource production a bit. Extend all your resource tiles to level 1.”

Order: Extend all resource tiles to level 1.

Reward: 75 wood, 80 clay, 30 iron, 50 crop.

Quest 13: Dove of Peace

„The first days after signing up you are protected against attacks by your fellow players. How long this protection lasts you can see by adding the code [#0] to your profile.”

Order: Write the code [#0] into your profile.

Reward: 120 wood, 200 clay, 140 iron, 100 crop.

Quest 14: Cranny

„It's getting time to erect a Cranny. The world of Travian is dangerous.

Many players live by stealing other players' resources. Build a Cranny to hide at least part of your resources against enemies.”

Order: Construct a Cranny.

Reward: 150 wood, 180 clay, 30 iron, 130 crop.

Quest 15: To Two!

„In Travian there is always something to do! Extend one Woodcutter, one Clay Pit, one Iron Mine and one Cropland to level 2 each.”

Order: Extend one resource tile each to level 2.

Reward: 60 wood, 50 clay, 40 iron, 30 crop.

Quest 16: Instuction

„In the In-game Instructions you can find short information texts about different buildings and types of units.

Click 'Instructions' on the left and look up how much Lumber Barracks cost.”

Order: Enter how much Lumber Barracks cost.

Reward: 50 wood, 30 clay, 60 iron, 20 crop.

Quest 17: Main Building

„Your master builders need a Main Building level 3 to erect important buildings such as the Marketplace or Barracks”

Order: Extend your Main Building to level 3.

Reward: 75 wood, 75 clay, 40 iron, 40 crop.

Quest 18: Advanced!

„Look up your rank in the player statistics again and enjoy your progress.”

Order: Look for your rank in the statistics and enter it here.

Reward: 100 wood, 90 clay, 100 iron, 60 crop.

Quest 19: Weapons or Dough

„Now you have to make a decision: Either trade peacefully or become a dreaded warrior.

For the Marketplace you need a Granary, for the Barracks you need a Rally Point.”

Quest 19 - economy:

„Trade & Economy was your choice. Golden times await you for sure!”

Order: Construct a Granary.

Quest 19 - military:

„A brave decision. To be able to send troops you need a Rally Point.

The Rally Point can be build on a single building site only. The building side is located on the right side of the Main Building, slightly below it. The building side itself is curved.”

Order: Construct a Rally Point.

Reward: 80 wood, 90 clay, 60 iron, 40 crop.

Quest 20 - economy: Warehouse

„Not only Crop has to be saved. Other resources can go to waste as well if they are not stored correctly. Construct a Warehouse!”

Order: Construct a Warehouse.

Reward: 70 wood, 120 clay, 90 iron, 50 crop.

Quest 20 - military: Barracks

„Now you have a Main Building level 3 and a Rally Point. That means that all prerequisites for building Barracks have been fulfilled.

In the Barracks you can troops for fighting.”

Order: Construct Barracks.

Reward: 70 wood, 100 clay, 90 iron, 100 crop.

Quest 21 - economy: Marketplace

„Construct a Marketplace so you can trade with your fellow players.”

Order: Please build a Marketplace.

Reward: 200 wood, 200 clay, 700 iron, 250 crop.

Quest 21 - military: Train!

„Now that you have Barracks you can start training troops. Train two Phalanxes/Clubswingers/Legionaires”

Order: Please train 2 Phalanxes/Clubswingers/Legionaires.

Reward: 300 wood, 320 clay, 360 iron, 370 crop.

Quest 22: Everything to 2!

„Now it's time again to extend the cornerstones of might and wealth! This time level 1 is not enough... it will take a while but in the end it will be worth it. Extend all your resource tiles to level 2!”

Order: Extend all resource tiles to level 2.

Reward: 15 gold.


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